Lost in life

Lost is the most difficult thing in life
Everybody has to deal with it
I always hoped that it wouldn’t get into my life
But it did
You were the one I lived for
You were the one I would die for
And now you are gone
Out of my life,
but not out of my heart
The pain is killing me on the inside
Life has no more meaning for me
The dreams I had with you are ripped apart
I still can’t believe it
Tears starting to overcome me
I need to find a way to fill that empty place in my life
I know that someday I will succeed
And then my hope will rise again

Zeer slechtSlechtRuim onvoldoendeOnvoldoendeTwijfelachtigVoldoendeRuim voldoendeGoedZeer goedUitstekend (Nog geen stemmen)

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